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Graphs and Charts for the Java platform
18 Types of charts to be used as applet, servlet or bean.
Barcodes for the Java platform
1D and 2D barcoding applets, servlet and classes
XSL-FO Editor for Oracle APEX
Visual Designer for creating APEX custom reports.
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   Download4J 1.1  [Homepage] [Download] [Demo]

Download4J is 100% JAVA component (Servlet + JavaBean) that allows to download files. This component could be integrated in any JSP/Servlets application. You can download files from any Folder, ZIP archive or Database. You can count and set a maximum limit for download hits. WWW Authentication (login/password) could be applied to each downloads. Configuration is done through an XML file. Download4J is free for non-commercial use.

Price: Free - Added: 2003-03-28 - Hits: 681